To connect to the Linux server in Windows, we can use the Windows command line or PowerShell, and we can also easily connect to the Linux VPS through the Putty software. There are also many software to connect to Linux VPS through SSH client. Prerequisites for connecting to a Linux VPS Before connecting to the Linux VPS server, you need to prepare the following items: […]
In order to keep out harmful programs and block unwanted ports, you can employ Windows firewalls. This handy Windows tool, accessible from the control panel, lets you disable or block any specific ports by using its Advanced Security console. We will show you how to successfully block all inbound or outbound port with just a few steps on Windows VPS server. How to disable or block […]
Blocking port on the Mikrotik Router is an integral part of network administration. Not only does it improve security and allow for better traffic control, but it will also maximize network performance by securing certain ports. Means that mastering the method to effectively block specific ports is an essential step. There are two common and reliable ways to disable a specific port in the Mikrotik […]
You may be in a situation where you do not have access to a computer or laptop and you need to connect to your VPS using an Android phone. Microsoft has provided software called Microsoft Remote Desktop that will let you connect to your Windows virtual server using a remote desktop protocol (RDP). Generally, using RDP technology with an Android device facilitates the connection to […]
Installing Remmina on Ubuntu for remote access is so easy; anyone can do it and enjoy all the functionality of a remote access tool. These steps are for setting a configuration of Remmina and stepping up your remote desktop administration and problems. Also, mobility is another important feature of a remote desktop program. One of the most important tools is Remmina Remote Desktop Client, which […]
Changing the SSH port number on systems such as Debian, Ubuntu and Cent OS should be considered as an additional security measure to prevent unauthorized access. When you buy a Linux VPS server, the VPS service provider provides it with the default SSH port 22 or with a dedicated port, so changing the SSH port to a non-standard port increases SSH security to the highest […]
If you ever thought you didn’t want pinging your Windows Server, you better disable ping requests using the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Console. By blocking ping requests, also known as ICMP echo requests, you can make your Windows VPS less visible to potential attackers such as DDOS. Follow the steps to stop pinging the server and not let it work. How to block ping […]
Before we explore how to install Python on a Windows server 2019, let’s simplify some points: There are many programming languages in the world, but Python stands out among the rest. Because Python is compatible with a wide range of platforms, including Linux servers, Windows, Macintosh, mobile systems, and yes, even PlayStation! Whether your focus lies in web application development, artificial intelligence projects or game […]
Port forwarding in Windows server is like redirecting network traffic from one port to another. It’s a smart move for Windows users to securely connect to different services and programs using specific ports. For port forwarding in Windows Server 2019, you’ve got a few ways, such as using the Command Line and Firewall with Advanced Security console. Remember, for effective port forwarding, the targeted port […]
The never ending battle over choosing SSD or NVMe as the best storage method has been going on for ages. Most users prefer to manage their digital content in a more efficient and faster way, which means they need to upgrade their VPS. And a new generation SSD or NVMe drive is one of the main factors affecting Windows or Linux VPS performance. At first […]