Blog Linux


Top Mastering Linux Commands + PDF

From Beginner to Pro Mastering Linux Commands from A to Z, Linux commands are the backbone of the Linux operating system, allowing users to interact with the system through the command line interface. Understanding and mastering these commands is crucial for performing various tasks efficiently. From managing files and directories to networking and system administration, Linux commands offer a wide range of capabilities. What is […]


How to change and create SSH key on Linux?

In the world of Linux systems administration, SSH (Secure Shell) plays a crucial role in providing secure remote access to servers. SSH keys are an essential component of this authentication process. This article will guide you through the steps to change and create SSH keys on Linux. What is SSH? SSH, short for Secure Shell, is a cryptographic network protocol that enables secure communication and […]


How to install cPanel/WHM in Linux?

How to install cPanel/WHM in Linux is the title of this article, cPanel/WHM (Web Host Manager) is a powerful web-based control panel that simplifies website management tasks for Linux-based hosting environments. It provides a user-friendly interface with a wide range of features, allowing you to effortlessly manage domains, email accounts, databases, security settings, and much more. From 0 to 100 Installing cPanel/WHM in Linux Like […]


All about FreeBSD

All About FreeBSD A Powerful and Versatile Operating System is an open-source operating system renowned for its stability, security, and compatibility. Developed by the University of California, Berkeley, and released in 1993, FreeBSD is based on the BSD version of Unix. It offers a Unix-like environment, complete with a command-line interface and POSIX compliance. The operating system is highly regarded for its reliability, making it […]


How do i backup Linux VPS?

How to back up my Linux VPS? It is a question that is often asked these days and we wanted to explain it in an article. in today’s digital landscape, data security, and protection are of utmost importance. If you’re running a Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS), it is crucial to have a reliable backup system in place. This guide aims to provide you with […]


What is Remmina?

In today’s interconnected world, remote access to computers and servers is becoming increasingly important. Whether you’re a system administrator, a remote worker, or someone who needs to access your home computer while on the go, having a reliable remote desktop client is essential. In this blog post, we will explore Remmina, a feature-rich and user-friendly remote desktop client for Linux. We’ll also walk you through […]


How to Install XAMPP on a Linux VPS in 5 Minutes?

XAMPP is an open-source software package that provides an easy way to install and configure Apache web server, MySQL database, PHP, and Perl on your Linux machine. It is designed to be easy to install and use, making it a popular choice for web developers who need a quick and easy way to set up a development environment. How to Install XAMPP on a Linux […]


How to install LAMP stack on ubuntu 16?

Mastering LAMP Installation on Ubuntu Server, LAMP is a software stack that is commonly used for web development. It stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Linux is the operating system on which the other components of the stack run. Apache is the web server software that serves web pages to clients’ browsers. MySQL is a database management system that stores the data for web […]


How to download and install Plesk on Linux server?

Plesk is designed to help IT specialists manage web, DNS, mail, and other services through a comprehensive and user-friendly GUI. Plesk is a hosting control panel, an intermediary between system services and users. How Can download and install Plesk on Linux VPS? Here 5 different ways to install and configure Plesk on Linux servers: Install Plesk in One Click Install Plesk via CLI Install Plesk […]


How to Connect to Linux Server From Windows Using SSH/Putty?

Connecting to a Linux server through a Windows computer using SSH (port 22) can be a useful and secure way to manage your server remotely. This process involves establishing a secure connection between your local Windows machine and a remote Linux server, which we will teach you through Putty and Microsoft’s CMD software. It should be noted that port 22 in the Windows client should […]