Blog Documents


Which is better for storage SSD or NVMe?

The never ending battle over choosing SSD or NVMe as the best storage method has been going on for ages. Most users prefer to manage their digital content in a more efficient and faster way, which means they need to upgrade their VPS. And a new generation SSD or NVMe drive is one of the main factors affecting Windows or Linux VPS performance. At first […]


VPS vs VPN: Is A VPN better than a VPS?

VPS and VPN sound similar in spelling, but they are two different concepts, either in use or function. A VPS (Virtual Private Server) acts like a private computer in its function, and a VPN acts as a shield in your online activities. In a previous post, we broadly clarified “what is VPS” and how it works. In this post, we will elucidate “what is VPN”, […]


How to check VPS performance?

For companies and people searching for dependable and expandable hosting solutions, virtual private server (VPS), and VPN, have gained popularity. To provide your website visitors or application users with a flawless experience, it is imperative that you maintain maximum performance for your VPS. We will examine a variety of methods and resources for improving and keeping an eye on your VPS’s performance in this extensive […]


What is difference between VPS and RDP?

The Internet is an invention that meets our day-to-day needs and solves our problems. The advancement of technology has created different ways to meet our needs. We can pick up one or a few of these ways to grow our business and bring satisfaction to our professional lives. VPS and RDP are two different technologies for connecting to host servers. Both have similarities and differences […]


Which is better VPS or Dedicated Server?

The four prominent solutions of web hosting, namely Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting, Dedicated Server, and Cloud Hosting, each have come to play a significant role in today’s dynamic world of technology and business.Today, we will delve into the eye-catching differences between VPS and Dedicated Server (VDS) and explain each in more detail. So, clients can choose the right hosting solution between VPS and Dedicated Server […]


Cloud hosting vs VPS hosting: Which is Better?

The growing internet technology has led to the blooming of VPS and Cloud Hosting in recent decades. In this article, I’ll explain the concept behind VPS and Cloud Hosting, how each works, and which best suits your business. What are the Key Differences between Cloud Hosting and VPS Hosting? Cloud hosting and VPS virtual hosting can be compared in several ways: Security Essential security elements […]


What does 403 Forbidden means?

“403 Forbidden.” What does “forbidden” mean? I’ve done something wrong? Why is this random website saying no to me? We want to find out what’s really going on behind the scenes and why the internet is suddenly saying “no” to me. A quick search reveals that 403 Forbidden is a true HTTP status code We tried to provide a simple explanation about the true meaning […]


What’s the difference between HTML and HTML5?

In this article, we will provide a detailed comparative analysis of HTML and its successor HTML5. We will outline their key features, advantages, limitations, and impact on the industry. The goal is to illuminate how dramatically HTML5 has transformed the landscape by modernizing the foundation from which the entire web is built. What is HTML? HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is the standard […]


How to redirect a domain to another website?

Redirecting a domain to another website is an important task that every website owner may need to do at some point. Whether you are switching domains, consolidating duplicate content, or renovating your site, being able to redirect traffic from one URL to the next seamlessly is essential. This post will cover redirect kinds and show how to put one up using your hosting control panel […]


VPS Hosting Made Easy: Selecting the Best Operating System

When is Windows VPS hosting the ideal choice? There are numerous OS choices available for Windows VPS servers, but just one is the optimal OS for VPS. Not every business website can function in every situation. Windows is the greatest VPS operating system and is specifically required by some apps. Windows VPS stands out from other operating systems because of its fantastic features and association with a reliable […]