How to Connect Mikrotik CHR VPS through Winbox?

MikroTik RouterOS is the hardware operating system of MikroTik RouterBOARD, and of course, this operating system can be installed on a personal computer and turn the computer into a MikroTik router with all the necessary features. Features such as routing, firewall, bandwidth management, wireless access point, link backhaul, hotspot gateway, VPN server, and many other features that are supported and provided by the hardware are also provided by the Mikrotik VPS operating system installed on the computer.

How to connect to the MikroTik VPS server:

These are some ways of connecting Mikrotik and you can use each of them.

1. Through Winbox
2. Through SSH
3. Through Telnet
4. Through Web

1 – Tutorial connect to Mikrotik CHR VPS through Winbox

Mikrotik designs a tool that enables clients to connect to Mikrotik using the easiest and safest way.
Winbox is a small free tool that monitors traffic of any interface or firewall and manages MikrotikOS.

By Winbox you’ll be able to use other useful tools too:

    • Routing
    • Firewall
    • BW Management
    • Wireless Access Point
    • Hotspot Gateway
    • VPN Server

Connecting to a Mikrotik router via Winbox is a simple and easy process that allows you to easily set up and manage the router. Winbox is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) tool that provides a user-friendly interface for configuring and managing Mikrotik routers. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to connect to your Mikrotik router via Winbox.

Step 1 – Download Winbox

The first step in connecting to a Mikrotik router via Winbox is to download the Winbox app from the Mikrotik website. Winbox apps are available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. You canDownload the Winboxapplication from the Mikrotik website.
Download Winbox

After downloading the Winbox application, you can install it on your computer by double-clicking the downloaded file and following the installation wizard.

Step 2 – Connect to Mikrotik Router

To connect to a Mikrotik router via Winbox, you need to know the IP address of the router. You can find your router’s IP address by going into your computer’s network settings and looking for the default gateway address. Alternatively, you can use the Mikrotik RouterOS web interface to find your router’s IP address. Once you have your router’s IP address, follow the steps below to connect to your Mikrotik router via Winbox: Open the Winbox application. In the “Connect to” field, enter the IP address of the Mikrotik router. Click the “Connect” button to establish a connection to the router. If the connection is successful, you will be prompted to enter your router username and password.
Connect to Mikrotik Router

Note: By default, the username is “admin” and there is no password. For security reasons, it is recommended to change the default username and password. Enter your router’s username and password, and click the “Login” button. If the login is successful, you will be taken to the main Winbox window where you can configure and manage your Mikrotik router.

Step 3 – Set up the Mikrotik router

After establishing a connection to your Mikrotik router through Winbox, you can use the Winbox interface to configure and manage the router. The Winbox interface is divided into several tabs, each containing different configuration options. Here are some common configuration options you may need to configure:

    • System: This tab contains general system settings such as hostname, time zone, and NTP server settings.
    • Interfaces: This tab allows you to configure network interfaces such as Ethernet, wireless, and VPN interfaces.
    • IP: This tab allows you to configure IP settings such as IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
    • Firewall: This tab allows you to configure firewall rules to protect your network from unwanted traffic.
    • DHCP Server: This tab allows you to configure a DHCP server to automatically assign IP addresses to devices on the network.
    • Access Points: This tab allows you to set up access points to provide Internet access to guests and visitors.
    • Wireless: This tab allows you to configure wireless settings such as wireless mode, frequency, and encryption.
    • Tools: This tab contains various tools for troubleshooting and diagnosing network problems.

By using the Winbox interface, you can easily configure and manage your Mikrotik router. Winbox’s interface is easy to use and intuitive, providing a graphical representation of your network, and making it easy to understand and manage. also, you can change (Reconfiguring Mikrotik VPS’s port-number) to ensure server security.

2 – How to connect Mikrotik CHR VPS Through SSH

SSH (Secure Shell) is a secure network protocol used for the remote administration of devices over an unsecured network. By using SSH, you can securely connect to your MikroTik VPS from any location, as long as you have an internet connection.

steps to connect to a Mikrotik CHR VPS through SSH.

Step 1 – Install an SSH Client

Before you can connect to your Mikrotik CHR VPS through SSH, you need to have an SSH client installed on your local machine. If you are using a Linux or Mac machine, you can use the built-in terminal. If you are using Windows, you can download and install an SSH client like PuTTY.

PuTTY is a popular SSH client for Windows that provides a simple and intuitive user interface for connecting to remote servers. You can download PuTTY from the official website and install it on your Windows machine.

Step 2 – Enable SSH Access on Mikrotik CHR VPS

Next, you need to enable SSH access on your Mikrotik CHR VPS. To do this, log in to your Mikrotik CHR VPS dashboard and go to the “Interfaces” section. From there, click on the “SSH” button to enable SSH access to your VPS.

By default, the SSH port number is set to 22. You can change this port number if you want to use a different port for SSH access.

Step 3 – Note Down the IP Address of Your Mikrotik CHR VPS

Before you can connect to your Mikrotik CHR VPS through SSH, you need to know its IP address. To find the IP address of your Mikrotik CHR VPS, log in to your VPS dashboard and go to the “Instances” section. From there, you can see the IP address of your VPS.

Note down this IP address, as you will need it to connect to your Mikrotik CHR VPS through SSH.

Step 4 – Connect to Mikrotik CHR VPS through SSH

Now that you have an SSH client installed on your local machine, SSH access is enabled on your Mikrotik CHR VPS, and you have noted down its IP address, you can connect to your VPS through SSH.

Open your SSH client and enter the IP address of your Mikrotik CHR VPS in the “Host Name” field. In the “Port” field, enter the SSH port number, which is 22 by default. Select the connection type as “SSH“.

Click on the “Open” button to start the SSH connection. You may see a security warning the first time you connect to your Mikrotik CHR VPS through SSH. This warning is normal, and you can safely ignore it by clicking on “Yes” or “OK“.

Step 5 – Enter Your Username and Password

Once you have established an SSH connection to your Mikrotik CHR VPS, you will be prompted to enter your username and password. By default, the username is “admin”, and there is no password set. You should set a password as soon as possible to secure your VPS.

To set a password, type the following command into the SSH terminal:

/user set password=[new-password]

Replace [new-password] with your desired password. Make sure your password is strong and secure.

3 – How to connect Mikrotik CHR VPS THrough telnet

Here is another way of connecting to Mikrotik through telnet that enables you to have a connection through software telnet clients like Putty.

Note: Connecting to a MikroTik CHR VPS via Telnet can be a useful tool for managing your network infrastructure remotely. However, it is important to take security measures into consideration when using Telnet, as it is an unencrypted protocol and can be vulnerable to eavesdropping and other types of attacks.

Open putty software.

connect Mikrotik CHR VPS THrough telnet
Like connecting to SSH, enter your IP address but this time choose telnet and click on open.

Step 1 – Open a Terminal or Command Prompt

The first step in connecting to a MikroTik CHR VPS via Telnet is to open a terminal or command prompt on your computer. The process for doing this varies depending on your operating system.

Note: For Windows users, you can use the built-in Command Prompt or a third-party program like PuTTY. To open the Command Prompt, press the Windows key + R, type “cmd” in the Run dialog box, and press Enter, For macOS and Linux users, you can use the Terminal application, which is usually located in the Applications folder.

Step 2 – Connect via Telnet

Once you have a terminal or command prompt open, you can connect to the MikroTik CHR VPS via Telnet. To do this, type the following command:
telnet [IP address or hostname of the MikroTik CHR VPS]

Replace “[IP address or hostname of the MikroTik CHR VPS]” with the actual IP address or hostname of your MikroTik CHR VPS. For example:

telnet 192.168.X.X

Press Enter to initiate the connection.

Step 3 – Enter Login Credentials

After initiating the Telnet connection, you will be prompted to enter your login credentials. By default, the username is “admin” and there is no password. However, it is recommended to change the default password for security reasons.

Once you have entered your login credentials, you should be connected to the MikroTik CHR VPS via Telnet.

Best Practices for Using Telnet

While Telnet can be a useful tool for managing your network infrastructure, it is important to follow best practices to ensure a secure connection. Here are some tips to keep in mind when using Telnet:

Use SSH instead of Telnet:

Telnet is an unencrypted protocol and can be vulnerable to eavesdropping and other types of attacks. It is recommended to use SSH instead, which provides encryption for secure remote access.

Change the default password:

The default password for the “admin” account on a MikroTik CHR VPS is blank. It is important to change this password to a strong, unique password to prevent unauthorized access.

Use a secure connection:

If you must use Telnet, make sure to connect over a secure connection, such as a VPN or a secure shell (SSH) tunnel. This will help prevent eavesdropping and other types of attacks.

Limit access to Telnet:

It is important to limit access to Telnet to only authorized users. You can do this by using firewall rules to restrict access to Telnet from specific IP addresses or ranges.

Monitor Telnet activity:

Monitoring Telnet activity can help detect and prevent unauthorized access. You can use tools like Syslog to log Telnet activity and set up alerts for suspicious activity.

4 – How to connect Mikrotik CHR VPS Through Web

This way is the easiest way of connecting to Mikrotik and its setting.

connect Mikrotik CHR VPS Through Web
Here you write your IP address in the address bar then it leads you to the Login part. After entering your password and username you’ll have access to settings.


Connecting to a Mikrotik CHR via Winbox is a simple and easy process that allows you to easily set up and manage the router. Here, we have taught 4 common ways to install and configure Mikrotik VPS, which is the most complete.

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The Author Emily.J

Emily started working as a member of the sales team, and because of his strong passion for providing solutions to the problems of users, he has become a successful person in the field of content creation, and so far he has been able to solve many problems. Also, Emily is trying to increase his expertise and experience with serious challenges.

More from Emily.J

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