VPS vs VPN: Is A VPN better than a VPS?

VPS and VPN sound similar in spelling, but they are two different concepts, either in use or function. A VPS (Virtual Private Server) acts like a private computer in its function, and a VPN acts as a shield in your online activities.

In a previous post, we broadly clarified “what is VPS” and how it works. In this post, we will elucidate “what is VPN”, how it works, and the eye-catching differences between VPS & VPN.

What is a VPN?

A Virtual Private Network known as VPN is a tool for cybersecurity and has nothing to do with all types of web hosting. VPNs are in the form of apps or software which connect the user’s device to a secure VPN server. A VPN is an online tunnel connection that disguises your IP Address and encrypts your traffic to give you privacy and anonymity. In other words, nobody can see what you do online or spy on your browsing data. Also, you can securely access your local content by connecting to a VPN when travelling to different points of the world.

When to use a VPN?

We conclude that VPN has several uses in the tech world. But, here we will explain four of them.

Secure Browsing: One of these uses is safeguarding your data and providing you with the utmost privacy and security in online browsing. Also, a VPN is essential when using public Wi-Fi without any security tools and because risking your privacy. In other words, VPNs protect users from hackers, cybercriminals, and government surveillance. 

Remote Access: If you want to securely access your local content from abroad and be able to see all the news outlets and streaming platforms, choose a VPN server in your home country. Moreover, you can get better deals online and compare the prices of flights, hotels, car rentals, and goods in different locations on Earth by connecting to various servers. Also, Businesses can use VPNs to provide company remote employees and freelancers with secure access to their corporate networks.

Accessing Blocked Content: VPNs allow users to overrule geo-restrictions and access content that would otherwise be blocked for defined locations or IP Addresses by providing you with virtual locations and masking your IP Address.

Avoiding Annoying Ads: When you browse online, websites, streaming platforms, and even social media collect your data and flood you with related ads. This action, named cookies, collects data such as clicks, shopping preferences, device specifications, location, and search history. A VPN masks your IP Address and makes it difficult for websites and online platforms to track your data based on real IP Address.

How does a VPN work?

The connection redirects your internet traffic through a remote server and secures the commuting data between you and the VPN server after installing a VPN app or software and enabling it. In plain language, a VPN creates an encrypted tunnel for the user’s online traffic. It wraps each data packet in an outer packet and encrypts it.

The key difference between VPN & VPS

There are many differences and similarities between VPN & VPS. Here, we will explain the five main differences between VPN & VPS.


A VPS is secure in its nature. In other words, a VPS is a virtual hosting space and can host as many servers as needed. However, a VPS doesn’t offer specific security measures such as Secure Browsing, Enhanced Privacy, and Avoiding Annoying Ads unless your VPS provider company offers these as an add-on. Also, VPS can have some advantages of VPNs in its nature, such as Remote Access and Accessing Blocked Content by buying different Locations VPS. So, A VPS can be an addition to your VPS for extra peace of mind. We conclude that both VPS and VPN provide the same degree of security, but they do so in different ways. 

Wrap-up: A VPS separates your virtual resources from other users on the same physical server. So, this enhances the overall security level. Your data won’t be affected if another user’s website or application becomes compromised. A VPN provides security by masking your IP address and encrypting your internet connection. So, hacking your data will be more difficult for phishing criminals or some of the government agencies.


A VPS can provide better speed and reliability than a VPN. When it comes to speed, uptime, and performance, a VPS can be the winner. Because a VPS is a dedicated virtual machine, but a VPN routes your traffic through a remote server. The routing through a remote server can add little latency to the network function. Regardless, the VPN performance can change based on the service quality provided by your VPN company and the distance between you and the server.

3- Price

VPS: A VPS is a service provided by web hosting companies for growing your business which allows you to use another computer in another location in exchange for money. Buying a VPS for your business could have many reasons, including frequent business trips, storage and data backup, ensuring 100% uptime, increasing overall performance, and creating a remote work environment for all employees in different places on Earth. So, all these benefits come in exchange for a small amount of money.

VPN costs can range from 5$ to 15$ per month and Linux VPS from 5$ to 100$ per month. You can consider our fast and budget-friendly VPS plans from the VPSmakers VPS Hosting section. Also, you can download and install VPN for free, but a VPS comes with a modest price for the vast services provided.

VPN: VPN is not a specialist service provided by your web hosting company. It is rather like a shield. In other words, a VPN acts as a protector for your device against cybercriminals or cookie collectors, and it’s not like a dedicated virtual server.

Wrap-up: A VPS can be more expensive than a VPN because it is a more specialist service. Buying a VPS profits our business, and this can justify the investment.

4- Flexibility

VPS provide more control and customization than VPN. In VPS, you have your own virtualized computer environment, and you can install any software on your operating system and configure the server as you wish. VPNs are a little bit limited in regards to what you can do. Some VPNs allow you to choose which server or location to connect to, but not all VPNs have the same level of control, customization, and flexibility.

5- Storage 

Users can buy a VPS as a remote storage location to securely store and backup their important files and data wherever and whenever. Because each VPS has its exclusive resources, like CPU capacity, Ram, and Disk Storage. VPNs doesn’t have the storage and backup option.

The Disadvantages of VPN

In some countries, VPN use, be it free VPN or paid VPN, is heavily restricted or even banned. Some websites or streaming platforms can also block access from a defined IP address or a defined location. 

Also, free VPNs lack a decent server infrastructure and have a weaker encryption power. Free VPNs don’t provide you with a 100% security and privacy guarantee. Some free VPN providers sell your data to third parties and defy the purpose of online privacy.

We recommend you buy a reliable and cost-effective VPN from NordVPN.

Can you utilize VPS as a VPN?

The answer is yes. VPS services can also be used to build VPN services. But this can limit the advantages that come with full-service VPNs provided by VPN companies commercially.


To wrap up, a VPS is a virtual private server bought from a hosting company for hosting other servers, including applications, websites, and games. However, a VPN is a service that lets users have private and secure online activity. You can change your virtual location and protect your data with just one click. So, internet users can increase their browsing security by just installing a VPN on their phones, tablets, laptops, and other electronic devices.

Our expert team at VPSMakers are 24/7 hours here to guide you to choose the most suitable and fastest VPS server for your business websites and apps or your gaming business with bargain prices.

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The Author Leili Rasi

tech enthusiast & content writer at VPSmakers

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