How to enable audio on Windows Server 2019?

If your Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application is failing to detect your microphone input or audio output while using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), fret not!in this article we learn How to enable audio on Windows Server 2019? We shall delve into the intricacies of RDP client settings to address this issue and optimize your communication experience. Follow the steps below to unlock the full potential of your audio peripherals during remote sessions.

Step By Step How do I enable audio on Windows Server 2019?

Is your Windows Server missing sound, microphone, or printer functionality? Fret not! I’m here to provide you with a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to unlock these essential features and make your server more versatile. Follow these instructions, and you’ll have your sound, microphone, and printer up and running in no time.

Step 1 – Access Advanced RDP Settings

To embark on this quest, open your Remote Desktop Connection window and unveil the hidden treasures of advanced settings. Simply click on “Show Options” to access the portal of possibilities.

Access Advanced RDP Settings

Step 2 – Unveil Remote Audio Settings

Within the realm of “Local Resources” lies the gateway to remote audio settings.

Unveil Remote Audio Settings

Journey forth and locate the option under the banner of the “Remote audio” heading. But lo! Fear not the sub-text that whispers, “Configure remote audio settings.” Embrace it and press the mystical “Settings…” button to progress.

Configure remote audio settings.

Step 3 – Embrace the Recording Power

Amidst the arcane settings, thou shall find a checkbox labeled “Record from this computer.” Make sure to give it thy blessing with a mark. While thou art at it, thou must also ensure that “Play on this computer” is equally blessed. Bestow thy approval upon it and press “OK” to proceed. Now, take a moment to assess thy VoIP application and witness if the ‘Remote Output’ input and output devices have been unshackled from their binds. If thou findest them still ensnared, fear not, for we shall venture forth.

Embrace the Recording Power

Step 4 – Infuse Thy Server with Roles and Features

In the realm of Server Manager, thou must seek out the path to greatness known as “Add roles and features.”

Infuse Thy Server with Roles and Features

It resides beneath the majestic banner “Configure this local server.” Embrace this opportunity and embark on the journey of enhancement.

Unleash the Power of Remote Desktop Services

Step 5 – Unleash the Power of Remote Desktop Services

As thou traverse the Roles and features wizard, thou must select “Role-based” or “feature-based installation” and declare thy chosen server.


Lo and behold! The coveted treasure known as “Remote Desktop Services” shall be revealed to thee. Bestow thy trust upon it and press “Next” thrice.

Role-based or feature-based installation "Remote Desktop Services" shall

Step 6 – Choose Wisely the Remote Desktop Service Roles

Select the remote desktop services option then press “Next”

Choose Wisely the Remote Desktop Service Roles

To ensure the harmonious symphony of thy microphone and audio devices, we recommend bestowing thy favor upon Remote Desktop Connection Broker, Remote Desktop Gateway, Remote Desktop Session Host, and Remote Desktop Web Access.

Remote Desktop Gateway, Remote Desktop Session Host

As thou proceedest, thou shalt be granted the honor of pressing the “Install” button. Afterward, a restful slumber for thy server is necessary for the changes to take root.

Remote Desktop Gateway,

Step 7 – Revive the Windows Audio Service

Should the sound icon upon thy taskbar bear the crimson mark of a cross, do not despair. With a righteous right-click, a mystical notification shall appear, inquiring if thou desirest to enable the Windows Audio Service. Thou shall not hesitate to proclaim a resounding “Yes!”

How to enable audio on Windows Server 2019?

We can do this with the execution method through the services.

Step 1 – open Run

First, open Services by pressing Win+ R and typing services.msc

open Run

Step 2 – Scroll down to Windows audio

In Services, scroll down to double-click Windows Audio, and then open it.

Scroll down to Windows audio

Step 3 – startup type

In Windows Audio Service Properties, set the Startup type to Automatic, and then click Start under Service Status. When finished, click OK.

startup type


Thus, with these magical incantations and esoteric maneuvers, thou shalt unlock the true potential of thy local audio and microphone, allowing them to seamlessly join thee on thy wondrous Remote Desktop Connection escapades. Fear no longer the shackles of monotony, for perplexity and burstiness shall now grace thy communication endeavors. Rejoice!

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The Author Emily.J

Emily started working as a member of the sales team, and because of his strong passion for providing solutions to the problems of users, he has become a successful person in the field of content creation, and so far he has been able to solve many problems. Also, Emily is trying to increase his expertise and experience with serious challenges.

More from Emily.J

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