How to take backup from MikroTik?

Backing up your Mikrotik VPS is an important task to ensure the safety and security of your configuration and data. In case of system failure or data loss, having a backup can help you restore your VPS and recover important configuration files. In this guide, we will provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to back up a Mikrotik VPS using several different methods.

How to ensure data protection: Take Back up your MikroTik VPS

Data loss can be a catastrophic event for any business or individual. Whether it’s due to hardware failure, software glitches, or even cyber-attacks, the consequences of losing valuable data can be severe. This is why having a reliable data protection strategy is crucial. In this blog post, we will focus on one specific aspect of data protection – backing up your MikroTik VPS. By following the steps outlined below, you can safeguard your MikroTik VPS data and minimize the risk of losing important information. also, you can read Reconfiguring Mikrotik VPS’s port-number For more security.

Step 1 – Identify Critical Data

The first step in any data protection strategy is to identify the critical data that needs to be backed up. Take some time to assess the data stored on your MikroTik VPS and determine which files, configurations, or databases are essential for your operations. By prioritizing this critical data, you can ensure that it is included in your backup plan.

Step 2 – Choose a Backup Method

MikroTik offers several backup methods to suit different needs. One commonly used method is the built-in backup feature, which allows you to create a complete backup of your MikroTik VPS configuration. This includes the router settings, firewall rules, IP addresses, and other important parameters. Another option is to use external backup tools, such as FTP or SCP, to transfer specific files or directories to a separate storage location. Select the method that best fits your requirements and proceed accordingly.

Step 3 – Establish a Backup Schedule

Regular backups are essential to ensure data protection. Determine a backup schedule that suits your needs, considering factors like the frequency of data changes and the importance of up-to-date backups. For critical data, it is recommended to perform daily or weekly backups. MikroTik’s scheduling feature allows you to automate the backup process, ensuring consistency and minimizing the risk of human error.

Step 4 – Choose a Backup Storage Solution

Deciding where to store your backups is crucial. It is advisable to use a separate storage solution that is physically independent of your MikroTik VPS. Cloud storage providers, external hard drives, or network-attached storage (NAS) devices are popular choices. Consider factors such as security, reliability, and accessibility when selecting your backup storage solution.

Step 5 – Test and Verify Backups

Backing up your data is just the first step; ensuring the integrity and recoverability of backups is equally important. Regularly test and verify your backups to guarantee that they are complete and can be restored successfully. Perform periodic test restores to a test environment to confirm that your backup files are functional and can be used to recover your MikroTik VPS in case of failure.

Method 1: Manual Backup Using Winbox

The simplest way to back up your Mikrotik VPS is by using Winbox to manually copy the configuration files to an external storage device. also, if you don’t have any VPS you can prepare it with Paypal or Perfect Money. You can read How to Connect Mikrotik CHR VPS through Winbox?
Here are the steps:

Step 1 – Connect to Mikrotik VPS

Connect to your Mikrotik VPS using Winbox.

Step 2 – Files menu

Navigate to the Files menu.

Files menu

Step 3 – Copy

Select the configuration files that you want to back up and click the Copy button.


Step 4 – Set Folder

Choose the destination folder where you want to save the backup files, such as a USB drive or external hard drive, and click the Paste button.

Set Folder

Step 5 – Wait

Wait for the files to finish copying.

While this method is simple and straightforward, it can be time-consuming if you have a lot of configuration files to back up, and there is a risk of human error during the copying process.

Method 2: Scheduled Backup Using Script and Scheduler

A more efficient way to back up your Mikrotik VPS is by using scripts and the scheduler to schedule regular backups. This method allows you to automate the backup process, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting to do it manually. Here’s how:

Step 1 – Connect to Mikrotik VPS

Connect to your Mikrotik VPS using Winbox.

Step 2 – System Menu

Navigate to the System menu.

System Menu

Step 3 – Scripts Button

Click the Scripts button and create a new script by clicking the Add button.

Scripts Button

Step 4 – Set the name 

Enter a name for the script and copy and paste the following command:

/system backup save name=("backup-" . [/system clock get time])

This will create a backup file with a timestamp in the filename.

Set the name

Step 5 – Save

Save the script and close the window.

Step 6 – Set scheduler

Navigate to the System menu and click the Scheduler button.

Set scheduler

Step 7 – Create a new schedule

Create a new schedule by clicking the Add button.

Create a new schedule

Step 8 – Set the name of the scheduler

Enter a name for the schedule and choose the interval at which you want to back up your VPS, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.

Set the name of the scheduler

Step 9 – Event field

In the On Event field, enter the name of the script you created earlier.

Event field

Step 10 – Save

Save the schedule and close the window.

Note: The backup will now run automatically according to the specified schedule.

Method 3: Cloud Backup Using Third-Party Services

For those who prefer a cloud-based backup solution, there are several third-party services available that offer backup and recovery options for Mikrotik VPS. These services typically require the installation of a backup agent on the VPS and offer a variety of backup options, such as full system backups, incremental backups, and offsite storage. Some popular options include:

AWS Backup
Google Cloud Backup
Backblaze Backup
Acronis Backup
Each service has its own setup and configuration process, so refer to the documentation provided by the service for detailed instructions.


Backing up your Mikrotik VPS is crucial for ensuring the safety and security of your configuration and data. Whether you choose to backup manually using Winbox, use scripts and the scheduler to automate the process or opt for a cloud-based backup service, it is important to have a reliable backup strategy in place to protect your VPS and valuable data. For more security, you can Read Expert Tips for Changing Your MikroTik VPS Password Safely

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The Author Emily.J

Emily started working as a member of the sales team, and because of his strong passion for providing solutions to the problems of users, he has become a successful person in the field of content creation, and so far he has been able to solve many problems. Also, Emily is trying to increase his expertise and experience with serious challenges.

More from Emily.J

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